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DPA sanction for DPO conflict of interest– 2 points of view

Date(s) - 22/06/2020
17:00 - 18:30


dpo pro is pleased to invite you to his third webinar about:

DPA sanction for DPO conflict of interest– 2 points of view

“The DPA fined in April 2020, an organisation €50,000 for several infringements”

  1. Lack of cooperation (Art. 31)
  2. Absence of prior consultation when high risks are insufficiently mitigated (Art. 36)
  3. Conflict of interest in tasks and duties of the DPO and lack of DPO involvement (Art 38)

Please Subscribe to this  Webinar via our Website (here-under). We’ll send you a confirmation & the MS Teams link on the 22nd of June.

This event is free of charge for members & non-members.

Agenda of the meeting:

Timing Topic Speaker Lang. Comment
17:00 Intro Koenraad Flamant NL/FR Comment
17:10 GBA sanctie voor DPO belangenconflict  Tim Van Canneyt, fieldfisher, partner technology, outsourcing and privacy NL Een sanctie van de GBA dat veel vragen oproept bij interne DPO’s
17:30 Sanction de l’APD pour conflit d’intérêts du DPO Saba Parsa, Avocat Alta

Law, DPO du barreau de Bruxelles et d’

FR L’importance de l’indépendance dans la fonction de DPO

DPO interne vs DPO externes

17:50 Débat & Q&A   NL/FR Comment


Bookings are closed for this event.

dpo pro BE 0688.902.413
Rue des Sols 8 1000 Brussels

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